Male Boxer today can grow from 50 to 65 centimeters, but females are slightly smaller growth, and they are sized from 48 to 60 centimeters. Sized Boxer Dogs is from 28 to 34 males and females in weight can be from 23 to 29 pounds. This dog is very good and there is no dangerous temper. By some estimates, this kind of dog loves children. This dog is not only good but can serve in working purposes. There are a few of these dogs today and help the police serve. Boxer can run up to 30 kilometers per hour as this dog is one of the fastest dogs today.
When you race a boxer loses a large amount of calories. Every Day Boxer should take 700 grams of food that can be divided into 2 or 3 parts. Age Boxer century was about 10 years and are rare cases to Boxer life more than 10 years. His teeth are very sensitive and therefore should be maintained and help the dog to always have accurate and cysts teeth as they would not have time to death.
Boxer is the scientific research has emerged from the English dogs. This dog is not so nice but its appearance makes it clear that it is very quick and proud. The only thing that is not nice to him, his jaw, which is unusual. His lower jaw is longer so the above seems to have dropped his teeth. If you go to time with training can easily Boxer to learn some basic things. If you walk in the rain would be good to delete it after that would not have been wet because they can get a disease.
It is weak in many diseases and would be good if you can keep it in house. If sleeping outdoors, then there is the possibility that sick. Boxer is different from other dogs and their appearance and in character. Those who have kept him and do not want to change it because the perfect Boxer dog that can be kept in the home and in front of the house and that we used as guards.
Pictures of boxer dogs